
How Hotels Can Succeed in a Time of Disruption

Gallivant Africa

If you’re in the hotel industry, you already understand the need to adopt technological solutions. Not just to transform your approach to revenue management but also how you break down data, formulate strategies, and dissolve departmental silos to deliver on revenue goals.

This report gives insights into why you must transform how you approach revenue management, the specific capabilities you need to succeed, and how you can develop them.

What You’ll Learn:

  • An overview of revenue management challenges for hospitality brands
  • Actionable takeaways on how to overcome these challenges
  • Step-by-step guide to thriving in today’s rapidly evolving travel ecosystem
  • A list of capabilities that every hotel revenue management team needs
  • Success stories from hotel revenue managers around the world
Gallivant Africa
Miriro Matema
the authorMiriro Matema
Born in Zimbabwe and living in South Africa, Miriro is a seasoned publishing editor and writer, having worked with leading brands in investment, business leadership and entrepreneurship. Passionate about Africa’s development, Miriro is also a dynamic marketing consultant with 10 years experience working with startups and large multinational corporations. With a heart for travel, Miriro spends her time discovering the nooks of crannies of Africa’s hidden gems, taking the roads less travelled, meeting the beautiful people that call Africa home while exploring their food and culture. Miriro is currently a writer with Byolife Travel and Gallivant Africa

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