
ECOWAS Advances Safer Air Transport Through Harmonized Regulation on Aviation Security Operations

Gallivant Africa

ECOWAS is reinforcing its commitment to regional integration and the free movement of persons and goods by advancing the harmonization of safer standards and operational procedures in aviation across West Africa. This initiative is being spearheaded through an Experts Validation Workshop on Aviation Security (AVSEC) Regulation, organized by the Transport Directorate of the ECOWAS Commission in Lagos, Nigeria, in preparation of an Air Transport Ministers meeting on AVSEC and the reduction of taxes, charges which makes the region one of the most expensive, in terms of air travels.

The three-day workshop, which held from September 4th – 6th 2024, brought together aviation security experts from ECOWAS Member States, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the Banjul Accord Group for Safety Oversight Organisation (BAGASOO), ICAO Certified Auditors, and the ECOWAS Commission. This gathering is a crucial step advancing an important component of the ongoing project of support to the air transport industry in West and Central Africa, under the ECOWAS Air Transport Improvement Program.

Aviation Security Experts at the meeting reviewed and finalized the draft regional regulations that align with the latest amendments to the ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices (ICAO-SARPs) while taking on board the broader objectives of facilitating Air travels within the West African region. Additionally, the Experts drafted a framework for the establishment and operation of an AVSEC pool as well as an Action Plan for its realisation. The recommendations from this workshop will be presented to sector ministers for endorsement and subsequently to the ECOWAS.

The main purpose of the ECOWAS Regional AVSEC regulation is to establish a harmonized regulatory framework for the safety of passengers, crew, ground personnel, and the general public against acts of unlawful interference. Specifically, the regulation provides measures to prevent weapons, explosives, or other dangerous devices which can be used to commit harm, providing a uniform interpretation and application of the ICAO Chicago Convention especially Annex 9 on “Facilitation” and Annex 17 on “Security” Once adopted by the ECOWAS Governing Bodies, ECOWAS will work with Member States, to set up AVSEC Pool Experts, trained with standardized tools to ensure consistent implementation across the region.

In his welcome address, Mr. Chris Appiah, the Acting Director of Transport at the ECOWAS Commission, emphasized the significance of a harmonized AVSEC regulation to the aviation industry in West Africa. He highlighted the urgency of validating the proposed regulations, which will govern air transport security and safety across the region.

Mr. Appiah also highlighted other ongoing ECOWAS’s interventions aimed at improving air transport operations and making air travel more affordable. He noted the collaboration with the International Air Transport Association (IATA) to develop a strategy that aims to reduce air transport costs to community citizens by addressing issues such as excessive charges and taxation, which contribute to high ticket prices.

Furthermore, Mr. Appiah disclosed that ECOWAS is in discussions with major aircraft manufacturers to assist airlines in reducing aircraft maintenance costs. This will be achieved through the establishment of a regional air Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) centre to localize aircraft maintenance in the region to help airlines reduce costs of accessing such services abroad. In the area of Airports, the ECOWAS airport master plan will be implemented to enhance operations and activities at regional airports.

Representing ICAO, Mr. Ademola Oladele praised ECOWAS for bringing Member States together to finalize the regional regulations, which is a key step in implementing the project to improve the air transport industry in West and Central Africa. He reaffirmed ICAO’s commitment to supporting the successful execution of the ECOWAS AVSEC Program.

In a statement on behalf of the Federal Government of Nigeria, Dr. Bernard O. C. Omogo, the Director of Aviation Security & Facilitation at the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA), urged participants to put forth their best recommendations. He emphasized that these recommendations, when implemented, would enhance and ensure the highest level of performance in aviation security operations within the region. Dr. Omogo highlighted that aviation security is essential and serves as the foundation for achieving the International Civil Aviation Organization’s (ICAO) vision of sustainable, safe, and secure air transportation.

The validated final versions of the Regulation, Framework, and Action Plan will be presented at the Sector Ministerial Meeting scheduled for November 2024 for endorsement. Following this, the endorsed versions will be submitted to the ECOWAS Council of Ministers for final adoption in December 2024.

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